Tree Planting at Sugar Woods, Bradford, NH

In late April we planted nearly 200 seedlings at Sugar Woods, our 54 acre demonstration forest in Bradford, NH. The highly diverse forest was logged heavily, but relatively sensitively, in 2004. Tree regeneration is dominated by beech, a typical situtaion in central NH. In one location we cleared a small area, applied a light surface fire, and planted black cherry, paired with an area we did not burn for comparison. Also, we planted silver maples in the sandy floodplain; white spruce, larch, red pine, and mountain ash in an upland area; and numerous fruiting shrubs throughout the riparian area. Stabilizing the riparian community, restoring degraded streambanks, and enhancing future forest diversity were major goals with this treatment. All seedlings were purchased from the NH State Nursery, a good source for affordable and locally-adapted tree and shrub seedlings.