Interpretive Nature Hike for the Lyndeborough Trails Association

The newly formed Lyndeborough Trails Association ( seeks to improve and expand the trail network in Lyndeborough, New Hampshire. Joe Trudeau led a half-day hike up "The Pinnacle" to describe to the group the history, flora, fauna, and natural communities along the trail. Additionally, Joe created a trail map based off of the work he did for the Natural Resources Inventory earlier in the year. The Pinnacle features the headwaters of Cold Brook, an important tributary to the Piscataquog River, as well as uncommon dry shrubland communities giving habitat to more than 20 native shrub species. The views are among the finest in the Monadnock Region, encompassing a panorama from the Wapack Range, to Monandnock, Crotched Mountain, and all the way to the Presidential Range 100 miles north.

The view from The Pinnacle, two days after the 2008 Ice Storm