Natural & Cultural Resources Inventory of Kirchner Woods, Stowe Land Trust, Vermont

We have teamed up with Hardy Avery of Sustainable Trailworks in Morristown, Vermont, to design and build a non-motorized multi-use trail system on a beautiful, recently conserved 75 acre property in Stowe Vermont called Kirchner Woods. Our client, Stowe Land Trust, has more than just recreation in mind: they intend to protect sensitve natural communities and preserve options for forest management while still providing an exceptional recreation opportunity. The first phase of this extensive project was a walk-through inventory and mapping of wetlands, sensitive areas, unique natural communities, large and old trees, unique forest stands, and more. What we provided for them was a detailed map of these features as well as an accompanying report that describes and highlights the areas to be cautious with and the areas to focus trail installation on. Kirchner Woods is an amazing gem of a conservation property. Located just a mile from downtown Stowe, it preserves a large sugarbush, rich northern hardwood forests, diverse hemlock-yellow birch wetlands, dense red spruce cover habitat, and numerous interesting ecological features. Utilizing this information, Hardy has designed a trail system that focuses on the exceptional beauty and some areas of educational interest, while avoiding areas we determined too sensitive to risk degradation through excessive recreational use. Phase 2 of this project begins next spring when we complete the build out of the trail and open it to use by mid-summer.

Field work over two weeks in September produced the information we

used to generate this map of Kirchner Woods.