Photo published in The Leopold Outlook!

The Winter 2008 issue of The Leopold Outlook features a cover photo taken by Joe Trudeau. The shot is from the east rim of the Kaibab Plateau in northern Arizona. Also, the second page features a photo he took of sunset through the old-growth ponderosa pine forests of Grand Canyon National Park.

The Leopold Outlook is the official publication of the Aldo Leopold Foundation based in Baraboo, Wisconsin. The Aldo Leopold Foundation works to weave a land ethic into the fabric of our society; to advance the understanding, stewardship and restoration of land health; and to cultivate leadership for conservation.

Download the issue and see these two beautiful photos at:

Centennial Valley Environmental Review

The 370,000 acre Centennial Valley in southwestern Montana has been heralded as a hot spot for biodiversity and a top conservation priority in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The International Center for Earth Concerns has developed a environmental research and education facility adjacent to the headquarters of the 45,000 acre Red Rock Lakes Wildlife Refuge in the heart of the valley. Over the summer of 2007, Preserve Land Works was contracted to compile and review all available environmental information in order to provide the best possible information to move the program forward. Field assessments and expert interviews were conducted to enhance the quality of the information.

Download the 122 page report here

Old growth Douglas-fir

Lyndeborough Natural Resources Inventory

Preserve Land Works recently had the honor of presenting to the Lyndeborough, New Hampshire Conservation Commision the culmination of over 15 months of research. Hills, Woods, and Sweeping Vales: A Natural Resources Inventory of Lyndeborough, New Hampshire is a comprehensive inventory and assessment of the towns complex natural resources.

Reviewed, described, and photographed in vivid detail were the geology, wetlands, flora, fauna, conservation land, and recreational assets of the town. Extensive field inventory and abundant GIS mapping provided for an in-depth analysis of Lyndeborough's beautiful environment as well as recommendations for conserving those resources that are most important for present and future generations of both people and wildlife.

The report and some of the maps are available for download here

The town will eventually have the report developed as a web page for the Conservation Commission which will make it much easier to view and download.

Why Preserve Land Works? Our Projects are more than just business transactions - They are real steps towards a more sustainable future

Balancing the material, social, and spiritual needs of our communities to the biological requirements of natural ecosystems has presented humanity with its definitive challenge. Climate change, invasive species, pollution, unsustainable economic growth, and abuse of natural systems has led us to the point where we must act quickly, and deliberately, to protect, restore, and cherish the earth with an unprecedented urgency. The fabric of our economy and society are the precious natural resources that are too often regarded as commodities – intact wildlife habitat, functional watersheds & wetlands, diverse ecosystems, and productive soils. The question we must ask of our selves, our businesses, and our communities is "are we ready to rise to this challenge, and seek a conscious balance with the resource base that supports us?"

Preserve Land Works provides services that meet the range of your natural resource management needs, whether you are an individual land owner, a municipality, an organization, or an entire community. Through attentive analysis of your objectives, comprehensive inventory & assessment of natural systems, and ecologically guided project planning & implementation, we can help you meet your needs without sacrificing the needs of the land.