Early Succesional Habitat Creation, Roxbury, NH

This summer we will be implementing the creation of a semi-permanent woodland opening in a homogenous hemlock-hardwood-pine forest in the Monadnock Region of NH. The even aged forest has low plant species richness and offers limited habitat opprtunities for native wildlife. The 1.5 acre opening (part of a 17 acre property) will focus on creating a small grassland adjacent to a red maple forested swamp, a dense hemlock stand used by deer for winter yarding, and existing young hardwood forests. This project is part of a longer term ecosystem inventory and managment plan for this property. The landowners have a strong interest in enhancing habitat, creating views, and increasing diversity. A funding request has been submitted to the WHIP program of NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) which will be helpful in making this non-commercial timber harvest more affordable. A unique aspect of forest management that Preserve Land Works offers is that we not only provide inventory and planning, but we will actually complete the work on-the-ground, ensuring that the project takes shape in the most ecologically effective manner. As we get going we will post updates.