Forest Guild Pisgah Old Growth Outing
The upcoming Pisgah State Park old-growth forest field trip (July 19, 2009) has homework! To gain a better perspective of the history and conditions of the Pisgah forests, see this great paper by Harvard's David Foster. Check back in just before the outing for any additional information.
To download 2mb pdf visit our file sharing link below:
Also, you can download the tri-fold brochure of the outing at that site for all the information you'll need.
Mapping Protected Lands and Natural Features of Roxbury, N.H. and Surroundings
Private landowners in Roxbury requested a detailed conservation lands map for their own uses. They enjoy exploring the wild lands around them, but a good regional map is not available. This is a problem common to southwestern New Hampshire; plenty of open spaces to enjoy but few maps showing any detail. In addition to navigation, our clients, Amy & Carol, have discussed the possibility of protecting their own 17 acres. The map shows to them the various entities involved in land conservation in the area, the levels of protection of these areas, and it highlights the connectivity of these lands. A surprising 5,300 acres of conservation land are contiguous, and only minutes from the city of Keene. Amy & Carols property, which has extensive frontage on Spectacle Pond, would expand that base of contiguous conservation land and continue on the thoughtful work of many landowners, municipalities, and land trusts who have over the years amassed this impressive block of protected land.
Conservation Lands Mapping for Souhegan Valley Land Trust
The Souhegan Valley Land Trust (SVLT) recently deeded a critical piece of conservation land to the Town of Lyndeborough, NH. While only a few acres in size, the Lower Purgatory Falls Conservation Area features a spectacular 30 foot waterfall, popular hiking trails, historic sawmill infrastructure, and a stretch of Purgatory Brook. This property is within the Purgatory Brook Conservation Focus Area identified by Preserve Land Works for Lyndeborough in the Natural Resources Inventory we recently completed. SVLT asked us to prepare a publication quality GIS-based map of the area to serve as a baseline documentation of the property and the surrounding parcels.